Tuesday, January 24, 2006

O! Ma ha!

So I was in O town twice last weekend. On Saturday, I went up with some people to visit some other people. And present one of those people with a two-foot diameter rubber ball with Batman on it. And we ended up playing four-square in his driveway for almost an hour. I hope I never grow too far out of childhood...

On Sunday I drove up with some other people to visit some other people, specifically a friend who's leaving for Japan tomorrow. For like the next two years. Cool.

Beyond that, I'm having a great time with a long term substitute job at Southwest. Two days down, 4 and a half weeks to go. Speaking of which job, I should grade some tests.

That is all.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Good Day for News from the State Legislature

I picked up a newspaper from the office this morning and two stories caught my eye. There's just something a guy's gotta love about Concealed Carry and Cohibas. At least this guy loves 'em.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Unequal vs Equally Bad

Looks like Florida's moving against the voucher system for its schools.
John Stossel and Bill Murchison weigh in on the matter.

I tend to agree with both of them. Without trying to disqualify myself from future employment opportunities, I think that the best word to generally describe the state of the education institution in America is "Communism." As long as everything is the same, I guess it doesn't matter if everything is simultaneously good or simultaneously bad. Because the only principle that matters is that there's no difference between anything. Equality rules.

Stepping aside from the sarcasm, I'm looking forward to reading "Capitalism and Freedom" by Milton Friedman (sp?), but I can't find it anywhere in the city libraries. Hmm...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Three Words




You figure it out.