Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Question of the Day

Why should we have schools? Is it (A) because teachers need jobs, or (B) because young people need to learn things?

Answer: If you work for/belong to/support teachers unions, the correct answer is A. If you think charter schools/private schools/vouchers are worth a shot, the correct answer is B.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Saint Patrick's Day +2

Yes, Saint Patrick's Day was actually last Saturday; Irish bishops, with the approval of the Vatican, moved the feast day of Saint Patrick to the 15th so it would not fall within Holy Week.

The only reason you need to know this is so you can b****-slap anybody who tries to pinch you for not wearing green today. It's not Saint Patrick's Day dang it!

For your entertainment...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Awesome Sauce

Friday, March 14, 2008

Special Occasion

As I type, my department chair's student teacher is going over a warm-up an notes with my 8th period Algebra Extended class. I, on the other hand, get to play around on my laptop; thought I'd share a couple things.

Google Reader is awesome.

It's Pi Day!! Did you eat your pi today?

Savage Chickens has been good this week. Peer Pressure. Pi.

Duke lost to North Carolina last Saturday. I think this is why. Check out more Fail Blog while you're at it.