Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Be Afraid...

The attack is coming....

First they cut the power.

Then they attack transportation.

We're in serious trouble here.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Alright, more links

So I kind of passed on the grading. Did some...eating...instead. And caught up on a little bit of news. Apparently there was another Democrat debate tonight, so I caught highlights from The Corner. Here's my favorite.

And on the subject of taxes, this, that, and the other came up yesterday.

Just a quick link...

...since I should actually be grading some Advanced Algebra tests right now. (For those
unawares, I'm kind of full time at Lincoln High the rest of this semester.)

First reaction--snickering at the name of this guy's blog.

Second reaction--thinking about how nice it would be to teach in India if that's what students are like, you know, as opposed to students here.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Poll Question of the Day/Week/Indeterminate Period of Time

Which is worse for the Nebraska football team:

a) being 19 point underdogs to Kansas;

b) deserving to be 19 point underdogs to Kansas; or

c) losing by almost twice that spread?

Don't bother responding. We all know the answer to this question.