I'm thinking the title is going to be "Not mine, Oh Lord, but Thine"
The life I thought was mine to lose
Was never mine to live
The things I thought I had in life
Were never mine to give
The cross I thought I had to bear
Was not my crux to own
The death I thought I must embrace
Is Christ's and not my own
What then, this phrase, "Take up thy cross"?
What then, "Deny thyself"?
Should this life die once just begun
(Need to write a line here)
I am no dying sacrifice
But one that still must live
For me One has already died
And has my sin forgiv'n
What then, this phrase, "Take up thy cross"?
What then, "Deny thyself"?
Something must die, some part of me:
That thing I call my "Self"
This life's not of my own accord
Each breath solely God-giv'n
The life I live yet in the flesh
I live by faith from heav'n
My life is not that which must die
Lest His death be in vain
It is the "me", the "my", the "mine"
That need to thus be slain
It is not merely saying no
To some things I desire
It means I fling all of these mine's
Upon the flaming pyre
When I survey the wondrous cross
And upon Christ I dwell
HIS praises therefore must be sung
HIS glories I must tell.
Leave a comment; let me know what ya think.