Sunday, April 16, 2006


A Poem
Long absence burst forth
The business of love-making
Do not be afraid

Coffee was over
Her whole heart was the subject
Most painful regrets
If you are tempted to interpret anything from the poem don't. If you think it sounds deep and meaningful, disabuse yourself of that notion; it is meaningless except for its haiku form. It's completely comprised of randomly chosen lines (except for syllabic limitations) from Pride and Prejudice (the book, not the movie). Just a random birthday haiku for Cal.

Doing Taxes
Certain whaling captains may be able to claim a charitable deduction for whale hunting expenses. --IRS 2005 1040 Instructions for Schedules A & B, page A-1
I am speechless. I am without speech.

Domestic Violence

I went home on Friday to "see my sister" since she was back in Nebraska from North Carolina. BTW, she's officially out of the army and something like 20 weeks pregnant. Scary Uncle Jake is coming this September. Turns out the real reason I went back to the farm was to help my parents tattoo and tag half their calf population this year (only about 30 of 'em) which they really hadn't done yet. It's nice and easy when the critters are only a day old. Little bit more difficult when they're 2 months old and weigh more than you do. Bruised shins galore.

The Movies

Went to see Thank You For Smoking last night with David & J. Couple weeks ago I had read a review on National Review, I believe. Seemed like an interesting premise. Then I watched the trailer at J's last night. Definitely had to go then. If you get past the vulgarity and the sex (no nudity), it's a hoot. There's just something uniquely American about alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and clubbing baby seals. Really, it's a riot. Probably the most fun I've had at a movie all year.


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