I: Lappy
The laptop's back in action, but here's a quandry: why should a logic board with a manufacturing defect (i.e., free replacement) last longer than a logic board without a manufacturing defect (i.e, $300 charge)? We're talking like twice as long on the "bad" logic board. 26 months to 14 months; something like that.
II: Mexico
Good trip, very exhausting. My job all week (at least as far as construction goes) was bending rebar into squares and rectangles. It was quite the treat for my mathematical mind. Plus, I wound up with some pretty buff forearms.

I also got to lead devotions/teach out of James 2. Don't mind doing that in front of peers/younger people. It's a bit different when both the church's pastors, plus an elder and a former deacon are there. But I haven't been reprimanded or kicked out of the church yet, so I guess it went OK.
III: Chicago
Spent a few days in the windy city, visiting Durnham and helping the Leverings with their move back to L-Town.
IV: Moving
Just last weekend K-Sheen was wed to the lovely Eloine, while the rest of us around here moved into new places. But not far, just changing apartments to get the right number of bedrooms because Kevin ditched us to get married. Pssht. But we're getting settled, the drip in the fridge should be fixed, the cable dude put in a filter this morning (i.e, no more free cable), and Mojito Monday is back in action.
V: Oak Lake Softball
After losing 7 or 8 games to start the season, Oak Lake went on a three game winning streak in my Mexico/Chicago absence. After my return, I wondered whether or not I should show up for the next game. I did, and we lost. Heartbreaker too; staged a comeback with an eight-run inning, but it didn't take and we lost by one. For those of you counting, 0-8 with Jake, 3-0 without Jake. Hmm. But last Monday, under duress, I went to the next tourney game and we actually won! As in Jake's first softball victory with Oak Lake! But then we lost our second game of the night so the season is over. Recap: With Jake 1-9; without Jake 3-0.
VI: Blogging
Nate-O invited me to post over on a blog he set up. There's a link in the sidebar for it: "God Be Praised. Christ Be Treasured." So I figure my theological musings will show up on GBP, and LMT will be of a more personal nature. You know, life and love and why. That sort of stuff.
That's all I've got for now. Maybe I'll be a little more diligent to keep y'all up to date once my schedule is more regular. Some bran should help.
The laptop's back in action, but here's a quandry: why should a logic board with a manufacturing defect (i.e., free replacement) last longer than a logic board without a manufacturing defect (i.e, $300 charge)? We're talking like twice as long on the "bad" logic board. 26 months to 14 months; something like that.
II: Mexico
Good trip, very exhausting. My job all week (at least as far as construction goes) was bending rebar into squares and rectangles. It was quite the treat for my mathematical mind. Plus, I wound up with some pretty buff forearms.

I also got to lead devotions/teach out of James 2. Don't mind doing that in front of peers/younger people. It's a bit different when both the church's pastors, plus an elder and a former deacon are there. But I haven't been reprimanded or kicked out of the church yet, so I guess it went OK.
III: Chicago
Spent a few days in the windy city, visiting Durnham and helping the Leverings with their move back to L-Town.
IV: Moving
Just last weekend K-Sheen was wed to the lovely Eloine, while the rest of us around here moved into new places. But not far, just changing apartments to get the right number of bedrooms because Kevin ditched us to get married. Pssht. But we're getting settled, the drip in the fridge should be fixed, the cable dude put in a filter this morning (i.e, no more free cable), and Mojito Monday is back in action.
V: Oak Lake Softball
After losing 7 or 8 games to start the season, Oak Lake went on a three game winning streak in my Mexico/Chicago absence. After my return, I wondered whether or not I should show up for the next game. I did, and we lost. Heartbreaker too; staged a comeback with an eight-run inning, but it didn't take and we lost by one. For those of you counting, 0-8 with Jake, 3-0 without Jake. Hmm. But last Monday, under duress, I went to the next tourney game and we actually won! As in Jake's first softball victory with Oak Lake! But then we lost our second game of the night so the season is over. Recap: With Jake 1-9; without Jake 3-0.
VI: Blogging
Nate-O invited me to post over on a blog he set up. There's a link in the sidebar for it: "God Be Praised. Christ Be Treasured." So I figure my theological musings will show up on GBP, and LMT will be of a more personal nature. You know, life and love and why. That sort of stuff.
That's all I've got for now. Maybe I'll be a little more diligent to keep y'all up to date once my schedule is more regular. Some bran should help.
I will diligently pray for a lack of bran-inspired postings.
I have some rather tasty fiber bars here at Mom's house. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Bella misses her Scary Uncle Jake.
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